Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Ladies: The Do's, Don't's & STOP's of Facebook pt 3 of 3


Now here's my biggest gripe. STOP posting status updates about how single you are...Or how you would like to go out on a date...Or how you can't find any good men out there...OR how much you enjoy sex! I mean COME ON. These are all seriously desperate calls for help! And why are you puttin' all your business out there like that in the first place? Yes, I know there are other crazy things you all post like cursing other females out and stuff like that...but hopefully by now it should be common sense that you need to be aware of what you post because you never who is reading your information...like your job for example. Anyway back to the topic, in my observations I've noticed that this desperation may come from two different perspectives. You are either:

Couldn't buy attention if it were on sale
Gets more than enough attention
1.) desperate for attention because you're not getting enough of it already
2.) You're not getting any attention at all 

This is "Everyone"
Now if you're okay with either one of these ideas, then hey, do you. I won't judge at all, but just STOP. From a man's perspective, you have now just lost a little bit of value in our eyes. When you do this, you're broadcasting to the world that you want to be chased. What's wrong with that you may ask? You'll have EVERYONE chasing you, which isn't as good of a thing as you may think at first. If you are going to be chased, wouldn't you want to be chased down by the "Mr Right's" and not the "Mr. I'll take whatever I can get"?

 It's all about the chase ladies. Guys love to chase. We love to "hunt". Keep us guessing. Playing hard to get,to a certain degree, really does work. If you make us work, then your value actually goes up in our minds. In other words, we start to respect you more so than before.

Last thing...STOP posting up pictures just so that you can get comments on them. We don't need to see EVERY single club picture. Matter of fact, STOP asking people to comment on your pics. Damn...can we say conceited?  We get it already. You're cute, or you have a nice body, or whatever asset you think is so hot that you have to broadcast it to the world. WE GET IT.



  1. Wow, I post my party pictures when one of my girls have a party or get-to-gather. This way we all can look and laugh at ourselfs. I also post picture for the friends that could not make the party along with relitives that just live to fare away. I love seeing the smiles on my girls faces and reading the crazy comments they post out of fun. And lastly, I love seeing myself in pictures. Yeah I know I do look good but I am NOT conceited. It's just me. I've been this way since birth.

  2. I agree with the facts you stated in this blog... you reaffirmed what i was just thinking recently. Your iliustration pics are hillarious! LMAO! oh and LOL@ at the first person's comment "I love seeing myself in pics... yeah i know i do look good but i am NOT conceited, its just me" lol! .... what does that say? lol
