I think that the reason why most of us have a distorted concept of sex is because we've completely lost sight of it's origin, significance, and purpose. I know everyone isn't Christian, so I'll do my best to illustrate some of my points from both Christian and non-secular perspectives.
As Christians, we believe that sex was a gift from God when He commanded for us to be "fruitful and multiply" (Genesis 1:27). In today's world we've really lost sight of what God's intentions were when He gave us both the desire for sex and the ability to have sex. God's original purpose was not for us to only reproduce, but the ultimate goal for sex was for us to reunite as one flesh. Becoming one flesh means much more than what most people may suspect. As many will recall, we were made in "God's image". (Genesis 1:27) Before God took the rib from Adam to make Eve, Adam (or simply mankind) was complete and whole. That wholeness basically meant that mankind was closer than ever to the actual image of God. So when we engage in sex, we take that step of becoming one with the other person. Sex is really more of a bonding process than anything else. That may not sound like a big deal but it is very significant.
I know it sounds cliche', but when we engage in sex with others, we do give a part of ourselves to that person. Now the reason why this is true is because since birth, the one thing we've all grown to know the best is our own body. It takes a certain amount of trust to allow someone else to share this most personal possession of ours. But having sex is not only about the sharing of trust, but it is also a means for communication. For those that are in love, sex can be one of the most beautiful and intense forms of expressing love to each other. So now the question remains, "Well if sex is so great, what's so wrong about having it before marriage?"
Glad you asked :D (Continue on to Part 2)
Glad you asked :D (Continue on to Part 2)
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