Friday, September 3, 2010

Employment Interference Part 1 of 3

In my 9 years of being an employee for various companies and organizations I've come to the realization that at the end of the day, no one really cares about your best interests. If anything, almost any to all major companies only have a vested interest in protecting themselves. Now when I say the company itself, I'm also including everyone that makes up the company as well. From the President/CEO to the managers to even, yes, your own co-workers. It's funny because alot of times when you finally find a job you love, there always seems to be some situation, or person that may threaten your job security and/or happiness. So with that in mind, here are just a couple of overall tips that I've learned in order to protect yourself in the case that something or someone potentially interferes with your employment status. This also includes if the someone is you.

1.) Don't Trust ANYONE!
Even though this sounds self explanatory, some people still don't get this. It doesn't matter if you go out with your co-workers or managers to get a drink or if you really seem to get along at work. You have to be aware that they are still people that you work with.  Think of it like this... that other person signed up for the job in order to take care of themselves, not to be your friend. So if something were to go down, and it boils down to them vs you, for the sake of their job...guess who they're going choose...(hint: it's probably not going to be you). Watch what you say to your managers and co-workers. Watch what you share as well (Facebook, Twitter, etc). DO NOT ever tell them anything that could potentially come back to haunt you or that can be used against you for whatever reason. And hopefully I really don't have to further explain this, but try not to get "physically involved" with your co-workers as well.

(Continue on to part 2 of 3)

1 comment:

  1. That's why I stay quiet and keep to myself at work! Good point.
