Friday, September 3, 2010

Employment Interference Part 3 of 3

4.) Have EVERYTHING documented:
The biggest problem that happens when you're caught up in a bad situation at work is the fact that 9 times out of 10 your employer has ALL the evidence and all you have is your story. In today's world, your story doesn't mean a thing. It's always about what you can prove. So what's the easiest way you can do this? Email everything! It doesn't matter if you sit right next to your manager. If you have a situation, a question, a concern or whatever it may be, email it to them. This way you always have recorded documentation of an event. Remember how I said to never give people a reason to say anything negative about you? This is one way to have an Ace up your sleeve. If you're caught up in a bad situation, your employer/manager will almost always have to paint the picture that you are the villain. Speaking from experience, there's nothing more frustrating than when you have a very small situation get blown up and exaggerated. Just remember, that even if you spoke to a co-worker or manager over the phone or in person, it is really easy for them to have "convenient amnesia ". They can't do that if you email everything. Heck even Texts messages or IM's (instant messages) can work too. Also even if they do not respond back to you, you still have evidence that you may attempted to do the right thing with your email.

Overall, cover yourself at the workplace. No one is there to be your friend. No one is there to help you in time of need and yes that includes HR (Human Resources). Everyone is there to simply work together to help a company grow or simply help themselves. Don't stand out unless it's for only positive things that may contribute to your future growth in your career. Lastly document whatever pertinent information or conversation(s) that you may have. Don't let anyone get away with saying "we never talked about that" or "he/she never brought this to my attention before". At the end of the day, hate to use the cliche', but it's a dog eat dog world out there.

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