Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Ladies: The Do's, Don't's & STOP's of Facebook pt.1 of 3

Hello Ladies, (in a deep sexy voice)

I wanted to take this moment to address something that has been on my mind for a while. As I surf the net and look at some of the social networks like Facebook, I'm noticing a few continuous trends. It's just so weird how people have no idea about the implications of what they post on facebook. Now I'm gonna start off with women first. Most of the information will be directed to women who are trying to attract a man on Facebook. (Yes people do use Facebook for dating even if they don't know it) So this doesn't concern ALL women, but you know who you are, or who I'm talking about when you read this. Obviously I'm not a woman, so I can't even act like I know what's going on behind it all, but what I can do is at least come up with some objective assumptions based on my observations.

 The DO:  "In a Relationship"

From talking with a lot of my female friends, I understand that often times the relationship status is used as a "defense" against all those thirsty guys out there. And you know what, it works. Usually, and I use that term loosely, you'll be able to keep away a good amount of guys if they notice that you're in a relationship. Matter of fact, it's more effective if you list that you're "in a relationship with (fill in name)....". Oh and changing your profile pic to you and your guy will be even better too.

(Continue on to "The Don't's" part 2 of 3)

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