Thursday, September 2, 2010

Lost? 5 Steps to Find Your Way

Are you lost in what direction your life is going in? Have you reached a point where you have lost sight of your dreams or sense of purpose? You're not alone. It's my belief that we all hit that bump in the road. We look up, forget how we got here, and where we were going in the first place. So how do you find your way? Well here are a few steps I'd suggest to getting to get you back on track. 

1.)   What's your Dream?

The very first thing you have to do is to figure out what is it that you really want in life. Is it Fame? Love? Money? Weight Loss? Spiritual enlightenment? Whatever it may be relies solely on you. But you have to be able to identify your goal or, in other words, you gotta be able to see the finish line.

2.)    What's Your Passion? 

Once you figure what your goal is, then I'd suggest you start figuring out what your Passion in life. Don't know what it is? Well think about it like this...What's the one thing that you can talk on and on and on about? I mean REALLY talk about…Something that you could keep talking about even if you're talking to someone who could care less about it. That thing could very well be your passion. Your passion could also be the one thing that you allow to take up the majority of your time during the day. It may be that one thing that you can't stop thinking about. It may even be something that you'd enjoy doing for free. Your passion is probably the one thing that brings you a sense of...peace.

3.)    Why?

After figuring out your passion, now's the time to figure out the "Why" of the passion. Why do you care about this more than anyone else? Why does this one thing mean so much to you? The purpose of asking the "Why" is to simply give you a solid foundation. In other words, when you are able to have a solid understanding of why you enjoy your passion, then you will gain a certain sense of confidence. That confidence will come in handy when doubt or worry start to rear its ugly head. Have you ever met someone that did something on a major scale, and have no real reason behind it? (If so you probably looked at them funny.)

4a.)    How? 

Now the challenging part is figuring out the "How". How do you get your passion in line with your goals? This one may be the frustrating step for some, but quite simple when you get the previous steps down. I believe in the idea that if you want to discover the things inside of you, you may have to change the things around you. So get up, and go out and explore the world around you. Traveling to new places often times can lead to even more self-discovery. Changing up your environment is a two way street. It doesn't mean that you have to bust out the credit card and hop on the next plane. Sometimes all you have to do is just change your current surroundings. 

4b.) How? (continued)  

(okay I lied, there's an extra step...sue me) The 2nd part of the "How" portion of finding your way, is to surround yourself with things that support your passion. Surround yourself with people that compliment or support goals and passion can help you stay focused in the long run. Besides that, surround yourself with resources that support your goals and passion too. If you enjoy fashion, then maybe subscribing to the latest fashion magazines will help. If you are seeking spiritual peace, then reading various spiritual or religious books or blogs may continue to inspire you. Whatever it is, FEED your passion!

5.)   Run for it! 
Last step, is simple. Once you know your passion, why you love it, and how to get it, then run for it GO GET IT! Now this is really hard for some because it actually requires effort. :)  It's no secret that the things we want in life are not always easily attainable. So you have to work for it. When you see that finish line, you gotta push, drive, and dig deeper than ever. You can't quit when things get tough because that is what makes you a failure. To really be successful, you've really gotta continue on despite past failures, or what people say.  At the end of the day, the rewards will be well worth it. 

Overall, when you lose sight of your path in life, regaining your focus starts with going back to the source. That "source" being your passion and what you actually want in life. Once you get that figured out, really question yourself to determine why that passion and goal is so important to you. It's just really reassuring to understand that your goal and passion isn't just a bunch of hot air. Then you've really got to surround yourself with anything and everything that will nurture your dreams and passion. But all that will mean absolutely nothing if you don't put in work. You've gotta work at your dream and then sit back and reap the fruits of your labor. 

Bonus step: Find a role model that's already doing what you want to do. This will make it easier for you figure out all the previous steps I mentioned because they've already done it. So all you would have to do is just walk in their footsteps. 


  1. I Love it!!! Enlightment for the lost!!!

  2. I love it also : ) it was very helpful! Thanks
    La'Bella Pasion
