Thursday, September 16, 2010

Why Men & Women REALLY Cheat...Part 1 of 2

So I think I'll take a shot at this. Seeing that we all can agree that the reason behind cheating varies for each person, I started to try and think of the common underlying principle that connects them all.

Common Reasons for Cheating:

1.) The opportunity was there.
2.) Boost in ego.
3.) Love/emotions in the relationship are fading or gone
4.) Revenge
5.) Sex life is not great
6.) It's different and new
7.) Fear of commitment 
8.) Insecurity
9.) Boredom
10.) Excitement of knowing that you can get away with it.

After thinking about it, I've come to the conclusion that people cheat due to the lack responsibility to one's self. What do i mean? I think that we all have a responsibility to ourselves to respect ourselves and conduct in behavior that is beneficial to our own lively hoods and to those of others as well. First, I think that all the reasons listed were valid "excuses". We all can agree that no matter how you argue it, cheating is NEVER considered right. We may try to justify it if someone was cheated on or wronged, but that then leads us to the saying "two wrongs don't make a right".

When we cheat, no matter how it goes down, it boils down to an act of selfishness. Even if someone did you wrong, you may seek revenge by doing the same. Revenge is still a selfish act. If you're bored and you cheat, well now it's, again, all about you. So to go back to the "why" we cheat issue, I'd just say it's due to the lack of maturatiy and mental awareness in regards to the individual's resistance to temptation.

Speaking as someone who has made mistakes in the past, I know what it's like to be tempted, as i'm sure we all do. However over the many years, I've learned how to become more aware of my weaknesses that lead me to cheating. For example, if I know that I'm physically attracted to a girl, and I'm in a relationship, I'm going to distance myself from that attractive girl as much as possible. I won't allow myself to get in a position to be tempted because I know myself and my weaknesses.

Even though that may sound like common sense to most you, it's not for alot of people. Many  people like to roll the dice by putting themselves in sticky situations, knowing good and well deep down that they will fail. That way they can blame the situation, circumstance, or the other person involved instead of themselves in the first place.

Continue to Why Men & Women Cheat...Part 2 of 2 "Resolutions to Cheating"

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