Friday, September 3, 2010

SEX!....Why wait? Part 2 of 4

Well I'm not going to go into preacher mode and state the obvious about sex before marriage being a sin. If you're Christian, you probably already knew that. But if you're not Christian, or even if you are and have just fallen short like many of us have, there are valid reasons why it is MORE beneficial for a couple to wait to have sex before they get married.

1.) Build up anticipation.  This is pretty obvious. When you wait for that "Big moment", the anticipation builds too. Not only does the anticipation build up for the act, but so does the anticipation for your partner. You get anxious for them. More specifically, you get anxious to "know" them in a completely different light. Often times, we only get to know people through our experiences that we share with them. When you have sex with someone, especially the ones we are in love with, we get to experience them in a completely new and special way that is not commonly shared...hopefully :) Now we do live in a generation where patience is no longer as much of a virtue as it used to be. So what good is waiting to have sex when the anticipation just seems pointless? (see Reason 2)

2.) Love in other ways   One misconception some people have is that sex is the only way to really express their love for their partner. Of course, this is not necessarily true. Sex may be one of the most emotionally and physically intense methods for expressing one's love, but it certainly is not the only route. Now something we all need to realize is that NO ONE likes extremes, or better yet, no one enjoys too much of just one thing. We all crave balance in our lives. Let's say for example, your partner knows that you love Carrot Cake and brings you a piece every day to show you how much they love you. Despite the fact, that you love your carrot cake, after so long, you will grow tired or just uninterested in the cake. Believe it or not, the same happens with sex. Some may be laughing or snickering thinking "How could I ever get tired of sex??? ". Sure, in the beginning sex with your partner will be great. Matter of fact you may even venture into different positions, or forms of sex. However no matter who you are, there will be a point where it will plateau. There will come a time when sex just won't be the same anymore as it used to be. When that happens, the question then becomes..."Now what do we do?"

Another great question! :D (Continue on to Part 3 of 4)

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