Tuesday, September 14, 2010

SEX!....Why wait? Part 3 of 4

See the problem some couples are beginning to have is that sex becomes the foundation of the relationship. Once you wear it out, there's really nothing much left to build on in the relationship because often times, the sex will consume both people. Just imagine, at this very moment, what if you couldn't have sex anymore? What would your relationship be like? Would your feelings for your partner change in any way? What would you do to express your feelings for one another?
You really ask great questions. Ok, let's break down a few alternative routes to express your feelings:

           A.) Be romantic! Some people may not be the best romantics, but it's always the thought that counts. Writing a poem, getting the flowers and candy, or just a simple night out on the town can really go a long way in a relationship. This is a great way to create new memories which will strengthen your relationship.

           B.)  Get interested! Take an interest in your partner's interests. Ask questions to help you learn/understand more about whatever your partner's interest. If they like football, watch a game with them. If they're into musicals, then watch one with them. When you take an interest into each other's interests, you experience them in another way. Similar to sex, you get to know your partner even more than before. As an extra bonus, you get to know more about yourself as well. Who knows, maybe all this time you really were a fan of musicals and never knew it. Plus when you have more experiences and memories to talk about, sex doesn't become the pink elephant in the room.

          C.)  Communicate! I know that it sounds simple, but this is probably one of the hardest tasks to accomplish in a relationship. HOWEVER, it's probably the greatest achievement any relationship can attain. Communication is often difficult mainly because we are usually so self absorbed with our own beliefs, concerns, and issues, that we forget to listen and understand the other person. This is usually why many conflicts arise and why they never get resolved. Again, this is a lost art that many couples don't get a chance to expand upon because their focus relies on sex. When the focus is lost in the relationship then you'll never be able to attain the 3rd benefit of saving yourself before marriage.

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