Friday, September 17, 2010

I got BURNED!...Virus Protection Part 3 of 3

Paid vs Free
Remember that you will always get what you pay for. If you do decide to purchase a virus protection program, then I recommend going to their site first and downloading their trial. That way you can see if it'll annoy you or if it's easy to use. If you don't know much about which company to trust, I recommend, going to a retail store and see the names of some companies that offer protection. That way you won't get ripped off with some bogus internet company. There aren't that many free programs out there that will protect you the way you would hope. Here are my recommendations 

Paid Protection: 

1.) Kaspersky Internet Security is among the top 2 suites that are great for prevention and removal of viruses and spyware. This software is incredibly proactive when it comes to protection. I would recommend the Internet Security for PC's and the Antivirus version for Mac's. Major advantage is that it updates every hour instead of daily. (Check out the review here)

2.) BitDefender Internet Security is usually ranked in the top 3 among protection suites and usually costs a bit less. Major advantage is that it updates every hour instead of daily. It is comparable to Kaspersky. (Check out the review here)

3.) Webroot Internet Security Essentials is just as comparable as the others, if not better. It's pretty user-friendly, and very effective when it comes to protection.  (Check out the review here)

4.) Trend Micro Internet Security is Very easy to use. Does update daily instead of hourly. Offers a lot of different features and will scan sites before you even click on them.  (Check out the review here) 

Free Protection: 

1.) Microsoft Security Essentials is probably one of the best free protections I could recommend. It's super easy to understand, it's not annoying, and it updates everyday. It does all the work for you, and it does a great job of protecting you the way you would expect. Plus it doesn't slow your computer down! I've tested this on some really virus filled sites, and it hasn't let me down yet.

2.) Avira - I've found this to be pretty easy to use. It will update everyday for you. It does an okay job of protection.

3.) Avast - This is middle of the pack as well. Comparable to Avira. It'll protect you but you have to do some set up with it. Make sure it's set to update daily.

4.) AVG- Some people will swear by this, but it's not really on my top list. However if you have absolutely nothing else to try, then this will do an okay job. So far, I have seen computers still get infected, even though they had AVG running. 


  1. Just downloaded Microsoft Security Essentials hope it's good.

  2. Avast is defaulted to auto-update every 240 minutes (4 hours). It is what I use, and I recommend to everybody. It has never let me down, and the only time I've ever gotten a virus was when I was dumb enough NOT to install Avast on my netbook.
