Friday, September 3, 2010

Employment Interference Part 2 of 3

2.) Lay Low:
Do not cause commotions at work. Do not make yourself obvious with confrontations. If you are late, stop coming in late...especially where management begins to notice. If you have issues with a co-worker, or with management, take it up with them in a professional manner. (see step 4 on How to do this) Once again, Do NOT give people any reason to have anything negative to say about you. If people notice you at work, make sure that it's for the positive things only (ie: taking the initiative, coming up with good ideas, etc.) Just play your role at work.

3.) Know the Rules:
Again, this is a very simple thing to do. Be familiar with the rules and policies of the company you work for. Know what you can and cannot do. Obviously there are common sense rules that we all know about such as do not steal, or do not come in late. However what I'm referring to are the rules and policies that are directly related to your specific position. While doing this, remember to keep step #2 (Lay Low) in mind. Majority of the time, you can find the rules and policies of the company you work for by simply going online to their website, or just requesting it in general. DO NOT wait until a situation happens, and then go looking for the rules. This can potentially set off a red flag with management or with other co-workers. You don't want to look any more guilty or suspicious than they may already try to portray you.

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