Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Ladies: The Do's, Don't's & STOP's of Facebook pt 2 of 3

 The Don't's 

If you are single, and you are actually "on the market", then DON'T post that you're single! Even if this is a true fact and you just want to let the world know, I'm telling you, there's no need to post it. I know what you're thinking, "I don't see what the big deal is. I really am single." It really isn't a "big deal", it's just something that can work to your advantage by not posting it. Remember that you can hide that relationship status. Guys will ask about your status if they're interested in you regardless.

Not showing your relationship status will create some mystery or intrigue about you. Guys will have to approach you differently. They'll actually have to think before they talk to you because they'll be treading into unknown territory. If you post that you're single, then in their minds they're gonna group you in the same category as every other single woman. And I'm sure that most of you ladies are probably already tired of how most guys approach single women. This will hopefully keep them on their toes. Often times it's hard to know what the opposite sex is thinking. So the other purpose of this blog is just to give you some insight in the mind of some men. So if you don't understand it. Cool. You can take my advice with a grain of salt if you wish. (Fellas may not like that I'm sharing this info with you all too). 

DON'T hide what you really look like. If you're a big girl, and trust me there is NOTHING wrong with some meat on your bones, then just embrace it and show it...tastefully of course. You are what you are. DON'T post pictures of your self from 3 years ago just because that's when you were a size 4 or whatever. You're lying to the world and well...to yourself to a certain extent. If a guy checks out your page, do you want him to fall for the girl of 3 years ago or the you of today? DON'T live a lie. Show full body pics, not just face pics. If you're beautiful on the inside then you're beautiful on the outside. That's not cliche'...it's just true. Guys can actually sense a woman's confidence. We're simple thinkers.The way you think about yourself will paint the picture for us. If you're confident, and carry yourself accordingly, then we'll see that. If you're insecure about your appearance and try to hide it, then we'll notice that too. Don't get what I'm talking about? Think about a guy you know who's bald. Would you pay more attention to his head if he showed off his baldness and didn't care, or if he wore a hat all day trying to hide it?

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