Tuesday, September 14, 2010

SEX!....Why wait? Part 4 of 4

 3.) Grow together   As I've stated before, we get to know each other through experiences. Sex can be like a drug. It can be very addictive. The problem is that when you allow yourself to be addicted to something, often times you limit yourself in some way. When you allow sex into the relationship before marriage there's a good chance that you may limit your options in getting to know your partner. Another problem with that limitation is the fact that the potential growth of intimacy in the relationship will be stunted. Intimacy in relationship stems from the knowledge partners have of one another. They can only acquire that knowledge from communicating and experiencing one another on different levels. See the connections? It's all tied together. Let's not forget, when you do tie the knot, hopefully the vows are held by both partners, and the marriage lasts a lifetime. What will happen in the days of menopause? What happens if health problems prohibit you from sexual intercourse? Wouldn't it be nice to able to continue growing with your partner, and making your relationship blossom with so many alternative options? If that doesn't make sense, think of it like this...exploring different alternatives to sex is just like diversifying your stocks in the market. We all know the saying about not putting all of your eggs in one basket. Don't make sex your only egg. Get enough to make an omelette!

At the end of the day, saving yourself before marriage does have its benefits. You'll be living up to the ideal purpose that God intended for mankind. While waiting you can use the anticipation to help excite your relationship and keep it fresh. Not only that, but you can help your relationship reach new levels by simply getting to know your partner in various ways. If all else fails, you can simply say that you've done something that not many others have accomplished. And if that still doesn't help, remember the parable about the narrow and wide path: "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it." (Matthew 7:13)

Peace and God Bless...

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