Thursday, September 16, 2010

Why Men & Women REALLY Cheat...Part 2 of 2

Resolutions to Cheating
You're almost doomed to fail when it comes to the temptation of cheating if you are not aware of your weaknesses. Not only that but you've got to learn to accept those weaknesses, and learn how to avoid bad situations. When people reach that level of maturity, know their limits, and the potential outcomes of their actions, they have a less likely chance to cheat. They are able to see the big picture instead of the attraction of the temptation that lay before them.

They are able to realize that "If I cheat...":

1.) "'s not worth the pain that I will cause to my loved one."
2.) " will not be an accurate reflection of the good person I think I am."
3.) "...there would be no one or nothing else to blame but myself."

2 Ways to Deal with Cheating:

1.) If you don't know your limits, or if you feel as if you can't handle the temptation, just leave the relationship. Be honest with your partner BEFORE you do anything wrong. Communicate with them about your feelings or what's going on in your head. You do owe it to them to at least let them know the situation. It may be painful, and definitely not easy, but it's much less painless compared to the pain felt when you commit the act of cheating.
2.) If you do know your limits, then simply nip it all in the bud. Don't answer that phone call or text. Don't meet up with that other person knowing the potential outcome. Simply avoid those situations all together. If there are problems in your own relationship, work on them together instead of trying to "work it out" yourself...if you know what i mean.

Peace, God Bless...

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