Monday, October 4, 2010

MEN: The Do's, Don't's & STOP's of Facebook part 1 of 3

Alright fellas,

Let's have a little chat. So you're surfin' on facebook, and you're lookin at your news feed and see that a cutie just changed her profile pic. So of course you're going to click on it. Then...WAIT! who is that in her friend list?!...(Click)...Well now we gotta go through her pics to see if she's the real deal or not. Okay so now what do you do or don't do to get her to notice you? Should you send her a message? Poke her? Hit the "Like" button? Well let's find out.

The Do's

Post up some information that she'll like to hear. Your religious views, what movies you like, and even what books you like to read. (You may have to actually read some books for that part.) Why is that important? It gives you personality without you even having to say anything. It helps create an image of you in her mind that can actually do some of the "work" for you.

Think before you post
Another thing is to post good quality status updates. Post intellectual comments or questions. Or if the "smart guy" isn't your thing then post something funny. Please make sure that it's something everyone will find funny too. If you're not funny or smart, post something spiritual. A lot of women love a God fearing or spiritual  man. Shows you at least have some type of solid foundation.

To complete the whole image, make sure you post a sensible picture of yourself. If you are the "funny guy" post up a funny picture that will make everyone laugh. If you're the "cool guy" then post a pic of yourself dressed in your club attire to show how well you can dress. Women love a well dressed man. If you're the "muscle guy" then wear clothes that HINT that you have muscles. There's actually another great picture to upgrade your image but unfortunately since some women are probably reading this as well, I'm not going to give away all of our ammo :)

Lastly, if you do talk to them, be nice. Introduce yourself since you probably don't know them. Ask questions about them that are not obvious. Look at their profile, see what their interests are. DO your homework! Once you have an idea of who she is, or what's she's about, actually try and get to know her. And take your time when you speak to them. You're not going to get to know her, online, in a day. Say hello here and there. Comment on her status updates. Let her get to know you indirectly before you try and make your move.

(Continue on to the DON'T's pt 2 of 3)

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