Monday, October 4, 2010

MEN: The Do's, Don't's & STOP's of Facebook part 3 of 3

The STOP's 

STOP putting up pictures with your middle finger up. That's the most pointless picture anyone could ever put up. If you wanna stick it to all your "haters" then go up to the upper right hand corner of your page, Click on Account Settings, and click on Deactive your account so that they won't have anything to hate on anymore.

PLEASE STOP talking to women who are in relationships! Now it's one thing if you ask respectfully if they're still in a relationship. But stop bugging them if they are clearly in a relationship. You can easily lose some respect from them when you do this. And what's worse, women have friends...sometimes even cuter friends. Would you really want one girl to tell 5 other cute girls that you're a stalker?

Dora? Come on SON!
STOP posting bathroom pics with your shirt off. Unless you're a professional body builder, professional model, or fitness trainer, no one really cares about your body. Even if you're in shape and got a six pack, all that really shows is that the only thing you have to offer is a body and nothing more. Women have dudes throwing themselves at them EVERYDAY. What makes you think your body is any better then the next guy who's also got muscles?  Honestly if you want to impress women with your body, you kinda have to trick them with your clothes (refer back to the "Do's")  and show them that you have more to offer then just a body. Women secretly love mystery. Remember they like to use their imaginations.

MEN: The Do's, Don't's & STOP's of Facebook part 2 of 3

The Don't's 

DON'T post comments or status updates with bad language. Using the N-word and Mother F'n this or that...It's not a good look. Women don't like hearing that. Keep that between you and your boys. I'm not saying you gotta change who you are, I'm just saying that if you're wondering why girls are not responding to your advances the way you would like, this may be a reason why.

DON'T post pics of yourself smokin', being drunk, or of you hanging out looking like a bum. You don't want women to know you're a bum BEFORE you even get to talk to them. You're killing your own game right there. At least take a picture at your job so they know you have one.

DON'T stalk these women...openly. There's nothing wrong with being a far away admirer. DON'T go poking them, sending them random messages as if you know them, or adding them as a friend without talking to them first. If you want to get their attention then refer back to the "Do's" that I mentioned before.

Oh and DON'T brag about how big you are "down there". Most girls seriously don't care. Women love to use their imaginations. If you say you're big (7 inches)then  they'll imagine (9inches). So guess what?... now you're small to them. DON'T put yourself in that trap.

DON'T show off your money, cars or shoes. At this point you have to ask yourself, who exactly are you trying to impress? Women...or other guys? If it's women, unless you looking for a gold digger, they're not gonna care. Most women can take care of themselves, so things like that don't really impress them. This ain't the 90's and music videos are not always real. If you are trying to impress other guys...well... I guess everyone has their "preferences".

(Continue on to the STOP's for Men pt 3 of 3)

MEN: The Do's, Don't's & STOP's of Facebook part 1 of 3

Alright fellas,

Let's have a little chat. So you're surfin' on facebook, and you're lookin at your news feed and see that a cutie just changed her profile pic. So of course you're going to click on it. Then...WAIT! who is that in her friend list?!...(Click)...Well now we gotta go through her pics to see if she's the real deal or not. Okay so now what do you do or don't do to get her to notice you? Should you send her a message? Poke her? Hit the "Like" button? Well let's find out.

The Do's

Post up some information that she'll like to hear. Your religious views, what movies you like, and even what books you like to read. (You may have to actually read some books for that part.) Why is that important? It gives you personality without you even having to say anything. It helps create an image of you in her mind that can actually do some of the "work" for you.

Think before you post
Another thing is to post good quality status updates. Post intellectual comments or questions. Or if the "smart guy" isn't your thing then post something funny. Please make sure that it's something everyone will find funny too. If you're not funny or smart, post something spiritual. A lot of women love a God fearing or spiritual  man. Shows you at least have some type of solid foundation.

To complete the whole image, make sure you post a sensible picture of yourself. If you are the "funny guy" post up a funny picture that will make everyone laugh. If you're the "cool guy" then post a pic of yourself dressed in your club attire to show how well you can dress. Women love a well dressed man. If you're the "muscle guy" then wear clothes that HINT that you have muscles. There's actually another great picture to upgrade your image but unfortunately since some women are probably reading this as well, I'm not going to give away all of our ammo :)

Lastly, if you do talk to them, be nice. Introduce yourself since you probably don't know them. Ask questions about them that are not obvious. Look at their profile, see what their interests are. DO your homework! Once you have an idea of who she is, or what's she's about, actually try and get to know her. And take your time when you speak to them. You're not going to get to know her, online, in a day. Say hello here and there. Comment on her status updates. Let her get to know you indirectly before you try and make your move.

(Continue on to the DON'T's pt 2 of 3)

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Ladies: The Do's, Don't's & STOP's of Facebook pt 3 of 3


Now here's my biggest gripe. STOP posting status updates about how single you are...Or how you would like to go out on a date...Or how you can't find any good men out there...OR how much you enjoy sex! I mean COME ON. These are all seriously desperate calls for help! And why are you puttin' all your business out there like that in the first place? Yes, I know there are other crazy things you all post like cursing other females out and stuff like that...but hopefully by now it should be common sense that you need to be aware of what you post because you never who is reading your your job for example. Anyway back to the topic, in my observations I've noticed that this desperation may come from two different perspectives. You are either:

Couldn't buy attention if it were on sale
Gets more than enough attention
1.) desperate for attention because you're not getting enough of it already
2.) You're not getting any attention at all 

This is "Everyone"
Now if you're okay with either one of these ideas, then hey, do you. I won't judge at all, but just STOP. From a man's perspective, you have now just lost a little bit of value in our eyes. When you do this, you're broadcasting to the world that you want to be chased. What's wrong with that you may ask? You'll have EVERYONE chasing you, which isn't as good of a thing as you may think at first. If you are going to be chased, wouldn't you want to be chased down by the "Mr Right's" and not the "Mr. I'll take whatever I can get"?

 It's all about the chase ladies. Guys love to chase. We love to "hunt". Keep us guessing. Playing hard to get,to a certain degree, really does work. If you make us work, then your value actually goes up in our minds. In other words, we start to respect you more so than before.

Last thing...STOP posting up pictures just so that you can get comments on them. We don't need to see EVERY single club picture. Matter of fact, STOP asking people to comment on your pics. Damn...can we say conceited?  We get it already. You're cute, or you have a nice body, or whatever asset you think is so hot that you have to broadcast it to the world. WE GET IT.


Ladies: The Do's, Don't's & STOP's of Facebook pt 2 of 3

 The Don't's 

If you are single, and you are actually "on the market", then DON'T post that you're single! Even if this is a true fact and you just want to let the world know, I'm telling you, there's no need to post it. I know what you're thinking, "I don't see what the big deal is. I really am single." It really isn't a "big deal", it's just something that can work to your advantage by not posting it. Remember that you can hide that relationship status. Guys will ask about your status if they're interested in you regardless.

Not showing your relationship status will create some mystery or intrigue about you. Guys will have to approach you differently. They'll actually have to think before they talk to you because they'll be treading into unknown territory. If you post that you're single, then in their minds they're gonna group you in the same category as every other single woman. And I'm sure that most of you ladies are probably already tired of how most guys approach single women. This will hopefully keep them on their toes. Often times it's hard to know what the opposite sex is thinking. So the other purpose of this blog is just to give you some insight in the mind of some men. So if you don't understand it. Cool. You can take my advice with a grain of salt if you wish. (Fellas may not like that I'm sharing this info with you all too). 

DON'T hide what you really look like. If you're a big girl, and trust me there is NOTHING wrong with some meat on your bones, then just embrace it and show it...tastefully of course. You are what you are. DON'T post pictures of your self from 3 years ago just because that's when you were a size 4 or whatever. You're lying to the world and yourself to a certain extent. If a guy checks out your page, do you want him to fall for the girl of 3 years ago or the you of today? DON'T live a lie. Show full body pics, not just face pics. If you're beautiful on the inside then you're beautiful on the outside. That's not cliche''s just true. Guys can actually sense a woman's confidence. We're simple thinkers.The way you think about yourself will paint the picture for us. If you're confident, and carry yourself accordingly, then we'll see that. If you're insecure about your appearance and try to hide it, then we'll notice that too. Don't get what I'm talking about? Think about a guy you know who's bald. Would you pay more attention to his head if he showed off his baldness and didn't care, or if he wore a hat all day trying to hide it?

Ladies: The Do's, Don't's & STOP's of Facebook pt.1 of 3

Hello Ladies, (in a deep sexy voice)

I wanted to take this moment to address something that has been on my mind for a while. As I surf the net and look at some of the social networks like Facebook, I'm noticing a few continuous trends. It's just so weird how people have no idea about the implications of what they post on facebook. Now I'm gonna start off with women first. Most of the information will be directed to women who are trying to attract a man on Facebook. (Yes people do use Facebook for dating even if they don't know it) So this doesn't concern ALL women, but you know who you are, or who I'm talking about when you read this. Obviously I'm not a woman, so I can't even act like I know what's going on behind it all, but what I can do is at least come up with some objective assumptions based on my observations.

 The DO:  "In a Relationship"

From talking with a lot of my female friends, I understand that often times the relationship status is used as a "defense" against all those thirsty guys out there. And you know what, it works. Usually, and I use that term loosely, you'll be able to keep away a good amount of guys if they notice that you're in a relationship. Matter of fact, it's more effective if you list that you're "in a relationship with (fill in name)....". Oh and changing your profile pic to you and your guy will be even better too.

(Continue on to "The Don't's" part 2 of 3)

Friday, September 17, 2010

HELP! Need a New Computer? Part 4 of 4

$ave $ome Money

Want to save even more money? Want to save more than just $5 dollars? Of course you do. So get ready for the final shocker...You've gotta spend some money to save some more money. Buy the accidental warranty coverage! Now you may say, "But the warranty costs almost as much as the computer"...WRONG again...well kinda. The warranty maybe another $300 but guess what? The average computer may need some type of repair after about 2 years. All computers only come with a 1 year LIMITED Manufacturer warranty that does NOT cover accidents or physical damage. I've repaired even $300-400 laptops before, and I can tell you right now that the warranty will pay off the following repair costs:

Bad Charger-> $100
Bad Memory - $100
Broken Hard drive-> $120
Bad Battery -> $140
Broken screen -> $400-500
Motherboard -> $500-700

Imagine having to pay for these things in only one year. You'll end up spending more money if you have you to go out and just buy another computer. So just get the warranty. Please. I beg you. When something goes wrong, which typically happens, you'll be very grateful that you got it. Also remember that No computer company will ever cover anything software related like (My windows or Mac Operating system crashed, or viruses)

Basic Check list and my recommendations:

1.) Check Screen size and weight
2.) Be comfortable with the look and feel
3.) Get at minimum an Intel i3 or i5 processor
4.) About 350-500 GB of hard drive space (that's a lot if you don't download stuff)
5.) About 2-3 GB of memory
6.) Buy the accidental warranty coverage
7.) Look for the computers in the $550-699 price range to really get something that will last.
8.) Anti-Virus protection (See my "I Got BURNED: Virus Protection" )

I got BURNED!...Virus Protection Part 3 of 3

Paid vs Free
Remember that you will always get what you pay for. If you do decide to purchase a virus protection program, then I recommend going to their site first and downloading their trial. That way you can see if it'll annoy you or if it's easy to use. If you don't know much about which company to trust, I recommend, going to a retail store and see the names of some companies that offer protection. That way you won't get ripped off with some bogus internet company. There aren't that many free programs out there that will protect you the way you would hope. Here are my recommendations 

Paid Protection: 

1.) Kaspersky Internet Security is among the top 2 suites that are great for prevention and removal of viruses and spyware. This software is incredibly proactive when it comes to protection. I would recommend the Internet Security for PC's and the Antivirus version for Mac's. Major advantage is that it updates every hour instead of daily. (Check out the review here)

2.) BitDefender Internet Security is usually ranked in the top 3 among protection suites and usually costs a bit less. Major advantage is that it updates every hour instead of daily. It is comparable to Kaspersky. (Check out the review here)

3.) Webroot Internet Security Essentials is just as comparable as the others, if not better. It's pretty user-friendly, and very effective when it comes to protection.  (Check out the review here)

4.) Trend Micro Internet Security is Very easy to use. Does update daily instead of hourly. Offers a lot of different features and will scan sites before you even click on them.  (Check out the review here) 

Free Protection: 

1.) Microsoft Security Essentials is probably one of the best free protections I could recommend. It's super easy to understand, it's not annoying, and it updates everyday. It does all the work for you, and it does a great job of protecting you the way you would expect. Plus it doesn't slow your computer down! I've tested this on some really virus filled sites, and it hasn't let me down yet.

2.) Avira - I've found this to be pretty easy to use. It will update everyday for you. It does an okay job of protection.

3.) Avast - This is middle of the pack as well. Comparable to Avira. It'll protect you but you have to do some set up with it. Make sure it's set to update daily.

4.) AVG- Some people will swear by this, but it's not really on my top list. However if you have absolutely nothing else to try, then this will do an okay job. So far, I have seen computers still get infected, even though they had AVG running. 

I got BURNED!...Virus Protection Part 2 of 3

Before I go into the different recommendations, I want to make one thing clear about virus protection. Often times people will buy the cheaper protection or go with the one that Comcast or AT&T provide. Problem with that is the fact that it's not going to protect to the level that you'd expect. To make it easy on yourself, I'd say stay away from anything that is labled "Anti-Virus" or "Anti-Virus +Spyware". I know what you're thinking..."I thought you said we need protection from spyware too". That's true, but here's the catch. 

Levels of Protection

Every single  Virus Protection company out there will offer you three levels of protection: "Anti-virus/Spyware" protection, "Internet Security", and some type of "Total/Max/Complete Security" (Here's an example)  I recommend getting the "Internet Security" version of whatever company you choose. Save your money, most people don't need the "Maximum" or "Total Security" versions. Now the reason why most people don't need the Anti-Virus +Spyware version is because it only works at cleaning up viruses AFTER the fact. Often times, it's already too late if you get infected, and then you're stuck with a virus and some useless protection. The Internet Security versions are the best just because they monitor you're computer's behavior. In other words they are more proactive rather than reactive. They even will scan websites BEFORE you even go to them just to see if they are safe. If you download something, or even if you plug in a flash drive, they will already start scanning it before you accidentally infect yourself. Okay, now that you know the levels, want to know which brands you can trust? Which ones are worth paying for? What about a free option?

(Continue on to Part 3 of 3 "Paid vs Free")

I got BURNED!...Virus Protection Part 1 of 3

So you're minding your own business and then BAM! some fake message pops on your screen telling you to buy this or that...or that your computer is now infected!....What to do? What to do?! First of all this is some BS. You had virus protection but yet you still got infected!...UGH! What do you do now? How do you get right of it?!

Well have no fear, Eman is here!
(I don't care if it's corny, it's my blog)

Well if you're in the Chicago-land or south suburbs area, Text or call me for virus removal at 708-599-EMAN (3626) or visit my page Computer Repair Page

Now let's say that you're not infected and you just want to make sure you're protected. Here are my recommendations.

Windows Update

One of the most common reasons why I notice people get viruses is because they don't keep their computer updated. It's really simple. When this little icon pops up, just make sure you click on it, and install all the updates. The updates are important because they make your computer less vulnerable to viruses. Think of it as a vaccine shot for your computer.

To learn how to update your computer or to set it up to automatically update:
Click here for Windows XP
Click here for Windows Vista 
Click here for Windows 7

The other most important reason people get infected is due to virus AND spyware protection or lack thereof. Remember that virus protection that you had but yet still got infected? Well that's because there are all types of viruses, spyware, Trojans, ad-ware, and malware out there. Think of it like this. You've got a virus which will attack more of your computer's system files. (Kinda like a real virus like the flu) Then you've got spyware and all those other malware that are there to do a bunch of annoying things to you. (kinda like a bacterial infection mixed with a mosquito bite) They'll try and trick you into buying some type of fake virus protection by pretending to be an Anti Virus Protection. (Kinda like a crooked cop) They'll also spy on what you do on the computer and steal your personal information and leak it out to God knows who. There are different levels of protection out there, and if you don't know about them, you may end up wasting some money.

Continue on to part 2 of 3 "Levels of Protection"

HELP! Need a New Computer? Part 3 of 4

About Your Money

Often times this is where I used to see customers get caught up the most. They come into the store with a price range in their head thinking "I'm going to walk out of here with a brand new, FAST, laptop and only spend like $300-500."

If you want a decent laptop, that is fast, and that will last beyond 3 years or more that price range will get you stuck in the same place. It's like if you have a 94' Honda and you end up buying a 96' Toyota. (Not that much of an upgrade if you're spending so much money) I always told my customers, the laptop that you think you want, really costs between $599-699. These are the ones that have just enough under the hood to work to your expectations. The laptops that are $699 and up are like buying the luxury version of laptops. They'll have more bells and whistles. They may have Blu-Ray Players, more memory, hard drive space, or Finger Print scanners. All those things are nice IF you can afford it, and if you WANT it.

Yes, I said that more memory and hard drive space are bells and whistles. Reason being is that those things can be upgraded at any time, usually for much cheaper price. Sometimes, there is no need to have 4 GB of memory and 750 GB of hard drive space if you really don't need it. I would say that for the average user who only does word processing, some internet browsing, and maybe even listen to some music, then at minimum find a computer that has maybe 2-3 GB of memory. If a year down the road you find it's getting slow, then you can upgrade the memory for maybe $80 ($40 for the memory/ $40 for install) or less. Same goes for the hard drive. You only need a bigger hard drive if you are saving and downloading alot of really big files like videos and TONS of music.

HELP! Need a New Computer? Part 2 of 4

"The Un-Changables"

1.) Size and Weight: The very first thing to consider are the things that you cannot change in laptop. Screen Size and weight of the laptop: Laptops come in various screen sizes such as 13 inches-17 inch screens. Same for the weight which can go from 2-5 lbs. To make it simple, the bigger the screen the heavier the laptop. My recommendation on screen size and weight is to figure out how you're going to use the laptop and what you're going to use it for. If you are going to be very mobile with the laptop, then maybe a smaller screen will be needed because the weight will be less. I personally have a 17in laptop, but I don't move around with it because it can get very heavy on your shoulder after walking around with it for while. Now one other thing to consider with the screen is that with bigger screens usually you will have much nicer displays. So if you're a big fan of watching videos on your laptop, then a bigger screen is what you may need to consider. So when you go to the store, pick up the laptops and see if it's too big or small, or too heavy or lite enough for you.

2.)  The Look and Feel: Another "Un-Changable" thing to consider is the overall look and feel of the laptop. Some people don't always realize this, but you want to make sure that you like the layout of the keyboard of a laptop. If you work with numbers alot, then maybe a laptop with a number pad on the right hand side is what you want. If this isn't a big deal for you then scratch this off your list.

3.) THE PROCESSOR: or in other words, the main brain of the computer. This by far is one of the most important part of the computer. Matter of fact, this is probably going to be the main thing that causes the price to go up or down in similar models. To those who don't know much about computers, this is going to be the main thing that will determine the "life" of your computer. The faster the processor is, the longer it will last. The processor also controls how much work the computer will have to do. The faster the processor, the less work the computer has to do, and the less it overheats.
When you go into the stores, the processor may not be that easy to find. Most of the time you'll want to look for something that says Intel Core i3, i 5, or i7. If you see processors called a "Intel Core Duo", or "Intel Celeron" STAY AWAY! They will be the cheaper computers. These are probably aslo the old computers that you're already trying to replace! You may see some other numbers there too, so just look to see which one has the highest number, and then look to see which computer costs more. That will usually be the easiest way to figure which is the faster/better one.

HELP! Need a New Computer? Part 1 of 4

Okay first of all, calm down. This is going to be alot easier than you may expect. I'm going to hopefully break this down as simple as possible so that Mr or Ms. "I don't know a thing about computers"  can get get the best laptop that they can afford. For this blog, I'm going to cover buying a laptop just because if you are buying a desktop computer (the big towers) a lot of the same tips will apply.  I've been repairing and selling computers for almost a decade now. I even worked at Geek Squad in Best Buy, so I'll tell you some of  the inside info on buying a computer that the sales folks won't always tell you.

Things to Know Before Buying

Computer Life: You do NOT have to buy a computer every 2 years. This used to be true back in the day only because companies used to have really slow processors in the computer. (See Part 2 under "Processor" for more). If you buy a really good processor then the computer will last a long time depending on how you use it. The other reason why people used to have to buy computers every 2 to 3 years was because our needs changed and the computers just couldn't keep up. With a slow processor, you can't open up like 3 different internet windows, listen to music, and type a paper because the computer just wouldn't be able to keep up. So invest your money wisely in a good processor and you'll enjoy your computer for long time. 

Quality: Since I've been repairing computers for years, in my experience there is no one type of computer that breaks down any more or less than any other computer. You will have some folks tell you that they had a Gateway that broke down them, but then you'll have others say that Gateway is the most reliable. Computers are just like cars, doesn't matter if you have a brand new Benz or an old Chevy, they both can break down  and to go to the mechanic sometime.

Brand Names: Do NOT matter. I repeat, they do NOT matter. People often think that one brand name is better than the other, but that's not necessarily always the case. There are two instances when brand name will mean something. That's with customer service and for repair. Some companies are great for their customer service and some are so well known that you can take it almost anywhere to get it repaired. Other than that, every Brand name from Dell, to Gateway, to HP, to Toshiba, to Sony, to even Apple will all use similar parts in their computers. My recommendation in terms of customer service and repair options in my experience  is: 

Brand Name
Customer Service Grade
Repair Options Grade