Friday, September 17, 2010

I got BURNED!...Virus Protection Part 1 of 3

So you're minding your own business and then BAM! some fake message pops on your screen telling you to buy this or that...or that your computer is now infected!....What to do? What to do?! First of all this is some BS. You had virus protection but yet you still got infected!...UGH! What do you do now? How do you get right of it?!

Well have no fear, Eman is here!
(I don't care if it's corny, it's my blog)

Well if you're in the Chicago-land or south suburbs area, Text or call me for virus removal at 708-599-EMAN (3626) or visit my page Computer Repair Page

Now let's say that you're not infected and you just want to make sure you're protected. Here are my recommendations.

Windows Update

One of the most common reasons why I notice people get viruses is because they don't keep their computer updated. It's really simple. When this little icon pops up, just make sure you click on it, and install all the updates. The updates are important because they make your computer less vulnerable to viruses. Think of it as a vaccine shot for your computer.

To learn how to update your computer or to set it up to automatically update:
Click here for Windows XP
Click here for Windows Vista 
Click here for Windows 7

The other most important reason people get infected is due to virus AND spyware protection or lack thereof. Remember that virus protection that you had but yet still got infected? Well that's because there are all types of viruses, spyware, Trojans, ad-ware, and malware out there. Think of it like this. You've got a virus which will attack more of your computer's system files. (Kinda like a real virus like the flu) Then you've got spyware and all those other malware that are there to do a bunch of annoying things to you. (kinda like a bacterial infection mixed with a mosquito bite) They'll try and trick you into buying some type of fake virus protection by pretending to be an Anti Virus Protection. (Kinda like a crooked cop) They'll also spy on what you do on the computer and steal your personal information and leak it out to God knows who. There are different levels of protection out there, and if you don't know about them, you may end up wasting some money.

Continue on to part 2 of 3 "Levels of Protection"

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