Monday, October 4, 2010

MEN: The Do's, Don't's & STOP's of Facebook part 3 of 3

The STOP's 

STOP putting up pictures with your middle finger up. That's the most pointless picture anyone could ever put up. If you wanna stick it to all your "haters" then go up to the upper right hand corner of your page, Click on Account Settings, and click on Deactive your account so that they won't have anything to hate on anymore.

PLEASE STOP talking to women who are in relationships! Now it's one thing if you ask respectfully if they're still in a relationship. But stop bugging them if they are clearly in a relationship. You can easily lose some respect from them when you do this. And what's worse, women have friends...sometimes even cuter friends. Would you really want one girl to tell 5 other cute girls that you're a stalker?

Dora? Come on SON!
STOP posting bathroom pics with your shirt off. Unless you're a professional body builder, professional model, or fitness trainer, no one really cares about your body. Even if you're in shape and got a six pack, all that really shows is that the only thing you have to offer is a body and nothing more. Women have dudes throwing themselves at them EVERYDAY. What makes you think your body is any better then the next guy who's also got muscles?  Honestly if you want to impress women with your body, you kinda have to trick them with your clothes (refer back to the "Do's")  and show them that you have more to offer then just a body. Women secretly love mystery. Remember they like to use their imaginations.

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