Monday, October 4, 2010

MEN: The Do's, Don't's & STOP's of Facebook part 2 of 3

The Don't's 

DON'T post comments or status updates with bad language. Using the N-word and Mother F'n this or that...It's not a good look. Women don't like hearing that. Keep that between you and your boys. I'm not saying you gotta change who you are, I'm just saying that if you're wondering why girls are not responding to your advances the way you would like, this may be a reason why.

DON'T post pics of yourself smokin', being drunk, or of you hanging out looking like a bum. You don't want women to know you're a bum BEFORE you even get to talk to them. You're killing your own game right there. At least take a picture at your job so they know you have one.

DON'T stalk these women...openly. There's nothing wrong with being a far away admirer. DON'T go poking them, sending them random messages as if you know them, or adding them as a friend without talking to them first. If you want to get their attention then refer back to the "Do's" that I mentioned before.

Oh and DON'T brag about how big you are "down there". Most girls seriously don't care. Women love to use their imaginations. If you say you're big (7 inches)then  they'll imagine (9inches). So guess what?... now you're small to them. DON'T put yourself in that trap.

DON'T show off your money, cars or shoes. At this point you have to ask yourself, who exactly are you trying to impress? Women...or other guys? If it's women, unless you looking for a gold digger, they're not gonna care. Most women can take care of themselves, so things like that don't really impress them. This ain't the 90's and music videos are not always real. If you are trying to impress other guys...well... I guess everyone has their "preferences".

(Continue on to the STOP's for Men pt 3 of 3)

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