Monday, August 15, 2011

The Importance of Respecting Women for Men

I had to write this to the men because I only wanted to be fair since I addressed the women about this issue about respect in "Men's Formula for Respecting Women". I'm not going to waste my time and say the cliche things like "respect a woman because that's someone's sister or mother". I think that's a given. I'm going to talk about the women that you don't know, or that you may want to get to know. I used to think that it wasn't fair for a woman to ignore my compliments or greetings especially if I approached them with sincere respect and courtesy. There'd be times when a simple greeting or compliment would be met with a side eye, a cold shoulder, or worse. How often have you heard of this scenario?

He says: "Hello, how are you doing today? That's a really nice outfit."
She says: (Nothing and ignores him)
He says: "Well forget you then!"

Of course there are many variations to that scenario, maybe even with a few "french words", but you get the picture. So what's the problem? As males, we look at a compliment or greeting as an invitation to simply get a bit more attention from an attractive female. What we forget is what our approaches mean to the women. A woman gets complimented or approached by a man on numerous occasions. What's the harm in a simple compliment? Nothing, on the surface, because for men it's usually an open invitation to get more attention. But for women it goes a bit deeper.

Think of men as fishermen, and women as the fish. Our bait is our polite greeting or a compliment. Now if a woman responds back, or "bites the hook", now we try to reel her in. However, what happens when a fish (a woman) doesn't want to bite or be reeled in? Usually a struggle occurs. If a woman is going to be caught, they don't want to be caught by just any fisherman who's just going to chop them up, fry them, eat them, and toss the bones. They want a fisherman who will be gentle with them, take a picture with them, and place them on a mantle that everyone can see. The choice is your ladies. (And yes, those are your only two options.)

Make your choice ladies :-)
For a woman, it's not that they don't appreciate the compliment, or the politeness. Trust me, they LOVE the attention. (Who doesn't?) But, they have the other obligation to protect themselves from the crazy, ignorant males that are out there. Ignorant men use polite compliments and greetings too, so in a sense they mess it up for all men. Women will naturally clump most of us all together, not to be prejudice, but to be safe. Honestly, I don't think we can blame them for that.

Whatever you do, don't be THAT guy. 
So, remember that women have to protect themselves because some men do pose a genuine threat. Don't get upset, or act ignorant if they reject your advances or approach. Despite the fact that it's not right for them to act ignorant in any situation, it is understandable. A woman's safety trumps her obligation to always match your polite advances.  The best thing we males can do is not to feed into that ignorance, or the negative stereotype that ignorant men create for all of us. Just remember one thing. There are plenty of fish in the sea.

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