Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Do Men Really Create the Expectations on How Women Should Look?

Do men really put the pressure on women to get bigger breast, butts, longer hair, wear more makeup and be a size O? It's time to set the record straight for some ladies out there. I'm always hearing something about how men expect women to be bigger here, or smaller there. Women think that men have these high expectations for all women, but I'm here to tell you that you're sadly mistaken. Some women will drive themselves crazy about what they think and not what they know. Most men do not expect for all women to be like what the media portrays. We don't expect for all women to have breast implants, be a size 0, or have a body like Jessica Rabbit. Rather, it's women who create these expectations, place them on men, then embody these expectations, and get upset at men for having the expectations that they assumed in the first place. Catch all that?

Before you say I'm full of cow manure, yes, we would LIKE those things, but they are not a requirement. You've heard me say it before, and I'll say it again. Men are visual creatures. We like to look at things that grab our attention. But just because it grabs our attention does not make it a requirement. Don't believe me? Well just take a look around you.

How many times have you been approached by a man when you're leaving the house wearing some sweats? How many men do you know that are in a committed relationship with a woman who looks like a model? How many men do you see with a woman who made you think "Ewww, HE's with HER?!". If the thought was true that men really wanted women with bigger this or longer that, wouldn't you see more men settling down with those types of women? Men like to visualize and just fantasize about those things, but deep down we don't NEED them. They are just fantasies.
Most women assume that we want all women to look like those women in the media, but truth is, we just want women. Besides that, we want sex. Sex is not the only goal, but I won't lie and act like it's not a primary one. Our goal is to be with a woman, not to mold you into some exotic looking Barbie doll. Now of course if we are able to get that Barbie doll, we'll gladly accept, the same way women would gladly accept a man who's got those rippling muscles.

I find it troubling when I see some women look at these unrealistic standards of other women, see men admiring them, then automatically assume that we want our women to be the exact same. That way of thinking will lead to self-destructive behavior. I've seen some women starve themselves and workout till they collapse. Some women will even go out their way to spend money on unnecessary clothes, make up, and psychical enhancements. The biggest reason that comes to mind is insecurity. Maybe those women weren't told enough that they were beautiful when they were younger. Maybe they are not told they are beautiful enough by the person they are with now. Hard to say. But what I can say is that if you want our attention beyond just the physical:

-Be yourself.
-Respect yourself.
-Love yourself.
-Have your own style when it comes to hair and clothes.
-Be comfortable and confident in your own skin.

These simple things will make a man think "Holy Moley! There's just something about her. I really dig her style".

My overall point is that the women who hold this way of thinking have to stop pointing the finger at men and just learn to appreciate what they already have. One fact you can always bank on is that men do not value your hair, make up, and clothes the same way that you or other women do. Besides, if you ever come across a guy who's demands that you get your hair done, nails done, and look a certain way then A.) He better be paying for it... or B.) Ask yourself is that the type of superficial person you want to be with in the first place? Any man who puts that much emphasis and pressure on a woman clearly has his priorities screwed up. So men, please compliment your women to diffuse and prevent any of her insecurities. Ladies, do NOT allow someone else's perception of beauty to become your own reality. If for whatever reason this still does not make sense to you, remember this...If you focus all your time and energy into becoming our fantasy, you'll never become our reality.

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