It's not his fault, he's a great guy. You love the friendship that you guys share. But, you just don't like him like that. Bless his little heart. So what do you say to let him down easy? Well there is no real "easy way", but there are a few ways you can go about it. But before we get into that, there's something most women need to understand about most men who are REALLY into you. Keep in mind, I'm talking about your male friends, not some guy you met at the club or bar. Let's take this example to start with:
She says: "You know, I just think that I'd like to be single right now. "
He says: "Oh okay."
He's Thinking: "Oh right now?...that's cool...I'll just try again tomorrow."
She says: "I'm just not trying to date at the moment."
He says: "Oh okay."
He's Thinking: "She just doesn't want to date other people...that has NOTHING to do with me."
She says: "I enjoy spending time with you. You're real cool, a good person, but right now, I'm not interested in being anything more than friends."
He says: "Oh okay".
He's Thinking: "She thinks I'm cool and great!"

She says: You know, DANNY, I really value our friendship and I really would like to keep things the way they are. I do not want to mess up what we have, DANNY, and I know that if you're my friend, and if you care about our relationship, you'll respect that, DANNY.
He says: "Okay...."
He's Thinking: "Damn"
Notice there was no mention of "right now" or "for a while". This leaves him only to believe that what you're saying is now indefinite. By bringing up the issue of respect and saying "if you're my friend", you have now held him accountable for the feelings he claims he has for you. This puts him in a position to actually act on those feelings, without being a hypocrite. It's a dirty little trick, but it works in most cases. No one likes to be a hypocrite, especially when they dug their own grave from the very start.
Wait. You said what? He still can't take a hint? Seriously? Well, looks like we gotta put him in the Dreaded Friend Zone. (Enter Dramatic music)
Check out the following blog "Dreaded Zone: The Friend Zone"
I read this... sounds familar. LOL good job